Peak Performance: Top Athletes to CEOs
Achieve a mental state of total focus.
Most of us live far below our potential - not because we're lazy or disinterested - but due to the hard-wiring of our brains. Top athletes and highly successful business people know that peak performance is 99% mental. But what does that mean?
"It means that our brains have been conditioned with specific attitudes and patterns that cause us to respond in specific ways," says Dr. Adrianne Ahern (SAY AYdree-ann AY-Hurn), noted performance psychologist, speaker, and author of Snap Out of It Now! "This conditioning is unconscious, but it is hard-wired into our brains, our very physiology. Its messages are often negative and limiting--and it rules our lives."
In the News:
See Dr. A discuss how you can get more done by NOT Multi-Tasking on KGO ABC 7's View From the Bay.
Listen to Dr. A talk about the Snap Out Of It Now! process.
Watch Dr. A in action on KGTV San Diego.

make our unconscious conditioning conscious
unplug our physiology from past conditioning
retrain our brains with positive conditioning we choose
"It's not just about a lower golf score or more confidence in the Boardroom. Our conditioning, both positive and negative, determines our satisfaction in all areas of life: our sex lives, our creativity, our ability to make money, our relationship with our kids."
After 15 years of research and client work, Dr. Ahern's new book, Snap Out of It Now!, her inspirational lectures, and life-changing workshops offer practical tools and techniques to train our brains to work for us, not against us.
Download Dr. Ahern's One Pager.
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